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Why Summer Is a Great Time for Interior Concrete Finishing and Polishing

Summer is a time for less work and more play – there’s still work to do, however. If your facility’s concrete floors have seen better days, you don’t want to neglect them all season long. There’s no time like the present to repair, finish, and/or polish your commercial concrete flooring. And as it turns out, summer is an opportune time to tackle such projects.

You might wonder why you should polish your concrete floors in the first place. A quick glance at our previous blog, “How Polished Concrete Floors Can Benefit Your Facilities,” can give you some answers. In this blog, we explain how concrete polishing produces longer-lasting, lower-maintenance, eco-friendly, aesthetically-pleasing floors both inside and outside your facility. If these perks sound good to you, let’s now explore some key reasons to take care of interior concrete finishing and polishing this summer.

Reasons to Complete Concrete Finishing and Polishing This Summer

Stay Out of the Heat

Many regions in the U.S. experience high temperatures during the summer months, and the southeastern states are certainly no exception. Though temperatures and weather conditions fluctuate throughout the season, residents in these areas can expect more than a handful of scorchers that render outdoor projects not only uncomfortable but sometimes dangerous. Fortunately, these exterior conditions don’t fully apply to indoor renovations. So long as your facility is equipped with functional climate control, commercial flooring contractors will have a much easier (and safer) time than they would if they worked on outdoor flooring.

Of course, indoor climate control means that flooring projects are feasible year-round. That said, if you’re trying to come up with a reasonable schedule for facility maintenance, repairs, and renovations, scheduling your concrete finishing and polishing tasks for summertime is a smart move – doing so will allow you to focus on more outdoor-friendly tasks in the fall and spring since your floors will already be taken care of. Following this logic, you could also schedule your indoor flooring projects for winter, but only if your floors don’t require immediate attention.

Keep Your Facility Cool

We’ve already established just how hot it can get during summer’s peak. Air conditioning is a much-appreciated innovation, but this measure alone will only go so far to maintain reasonable temperatures within your facility. Any additional measures that reduce indoor temperatures are welcome – polishing your concrete floors is one such measure. Thanks to its high thermal mass, concrete already does a decent job of staying cool when things heat up. That said, grinding down the concrete and finishing it with a glossy sealer helps cool things off even more. As long as your air conditioning remains functional, your polished flooring should maintain a comfortable temperature throughout the day, making things that much more comfortable for employees, customers, and guests while also improving energy efficiency.

Take Advantage of Decreased Foot Traffic

Depending on your industry and particular operations, your business might experience more or less activity during the summer months. If you happen to be less busy throughout summer, your facility will enjoy more opportunities for interior projects. Everything from commercial cleaning to concrete polishing is easier and more cost-effective when contractors aren’t constantly working around high levels of foot traffic. It’s especially important to schedule flooring projects when operations are at their slowest – otherwise, you’ll be forced to tackle concrete polishing in piecemeal fashion (you also risk employees and customers interfering with the application and curing processes). Put simply, a summer with relatively clear floors is ideal for concrete finishing and polishing. If you’re in an industry that ramps up during summer, then you might want to wait until things slow down to invest in these projects.

Get Ahead of Fall and Winter Woes

Summer only covers one-quarter of the year, and it’s gone before you know it. Fall is around the corner, and winter will follow after that. If your floors aren’t well protected before these cooler seasons enter, they’ll wind up worse for the wear by the time things warm up again. Fall debris and winter snow are easily tracked into any facility, seeping into the pores of your concrete flooring. Keeping up with commercial floor care throughout these seasons will minimize the negative effects of these threats, but it’s best to give your concrete a fighting chance from the very beginning. Indeed, finishing and polishing your concrete floors during the summer will greatly reduce the amount of commercial floor maintenance and repair work you’ll have to worry about in the future. So, do your floors a favor and fortify them before these seasonal environmental threats take root.

Finish Your Floors Before Summer’s End

Summer has just begun, but it’s only a matter of time before the warmest season fades into fall and beyond. If your concrete flooring needs attention, don’t wait – get in touch with flooring experts at The Budd Group. To learn more about our services and values, give us a call today at 800-221-8158!

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