The Budd Group is committed to thorough COVID-19 disinfection for every campus we work with to help administrators, families, and students feel as safe as possible as the fall 2020 semester begins. We were honored to assist The Citadel with their campus disinfection program as they got ready for cadets’ return to on-campus instruction. Together with Cdr. Jeff Lamberson, USN (Ret.), vice president for The Citadel Facilities and Engineering Department, our crews implemented a comprehensive campus cleaning and disinfection program that includes:
- Dormitories: Along with thorough disinfection prior to cadet arrival, their barracks restrooms are outfitted with touchless sinks and dryers, as well as soaps and sanitizers. The restrooms will continue being cleaned daily once campus reopens.
- Classrooms: Classrooms will be disinfected nightly by trained technicians so that everyone in the classroom can feel safe starting each new day of instruction.
- On-Site and Touchpoint Disinfection: Proctors will be available throughout the day to clean and disinfect frequently used areas, including the library and dining halls. There will be self-service sanitation stations strategically located within high-traffic areas throughout campus.
- Protective Shields: Protective shields will surround any area where frequent, closer contact is required to complete student and faculty business.
- Misting and Atomizers: Mist disinfection will be used throughout the day by trained technicians. These misters spray a mist of atomized disinfectant throughout common areas, and the disinfectants for coronavirus will help to reduce risk of the spread on the campuses. There will also be atomizers stationed throughout campus for use as needed when a technician is not actively covering a given area.
Learn More: Read more about the program we implemented for The Citadel and their staff here.
As with every client, The Budd Group customized the disinfection needs of The Citadel according to the services they provide, and the demands of each unique space on their property. We join them in making student, faculty, family, and visitor safety at the Citadel a top priority. We follow the latest best practices and recommendations from experts in the fields of cleaning, disinfection, and the spread of infectious disease. If you’re looking for an expert partner to protect your campus and prepare it for reopening, get in touch with The Budd Group today.