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Concrete Installation Services

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As with any mate­r­i­al, con­crete will expand and con­tract as the tem­per­a­ture ris­es and falls. The length of the move­ment depends upon the sever­i­ty of tem­per­a­ture change and the coef­fi­cient of ther­mal expan­sion of the con­crete. The coef­fi­cient of ther­mal expan­sion of con­crete is influ­enced large­ly by the coef­fi­cient of ther­mal expan­sion of the aggre­gates, since the aggre­gate occu­pies 70 – 80% of the vol­ume of the con­crete. This means that if the room in which you’re lay­ing down con­crete in your ware­house or com­mer­cial facil­i­ty isn’t cli­mate-con­trolled with prop­er ven­ti­la­tion to avoid mois­ture issues, there will be con­se­quences with mold and mildew growth, the cement’s struc­tur­al integri­ty, and the aggre­gates in the cement, which affect compaction.
At The Budd Group, we under­stand the sever­i­ty of these issues as well as the impor­tance of prop­er con­crete instal­la­tion and main­te­nance. With the use of Poly­gon machines in addi­tion to our expe­ri­enced team, we will pro­vide new floor­ing with sus­tain­able longevity.

How Will The Budd Group Dif­fer­ence Work for My Business

The use of Poly­gon machines makes sure the room is tem­per­a­ture-con­trolled, prop­er­ly ven­ti­lat­ed, offers ade­quate drainage, con­trols leaks, main­tains water under the con­crete slab, and more upon appli­ca­tion and cur­ing. This makes a huge dif­fer­ence in the out­come of your floor­ing for years to come.
When com­pres­sive strengths are low­ered, the seg­re­ga­tion of the con­crete mix under cer­tain con­di­tions results in vari­able qual­i­ty through­out the con­crete mass. Unpre­dictable qual­i­ty is unac­cept­able, espe­cial­ly when it comes to the safe­ty and effi­cien­cy of your team and business.

How Mois­ture Mit­i­ga­tion Sys­tems Affect My Building

Water is often a destruc­tive force in the con­crete appli­ca­tion if used exces­sive­ly. If the amount of water in the con­crete isn’t mon­i­tored, there can be end­less issues with the out­come of your flooring.
These issues can include:

How Con­crete Tem­per­a­ture Con­trol Meth­ods Affect Your Building

A con­crete struc­ture is sub­ject­ed to high tem­per­a­tures, and it will fail in many dif­fer­ent ways if the tem­per­a­ture isn’t controlled.
These fail­ures may include:

How Prop­er Con­crete Instal­la­tion Ser­vices Reduce Micro­bial and Struc­tur­al Integri­ty Issues

With­out cracks, leaks, and oth­er struc­tur­al integri­ty issues in your floor­ing, you can bet­ter ensure a cohe­sive floor with the prop­er main­te­nance and instal­la­tion tech­niques. Because water and heat often lead to mold, mildew, and oth­er aller­gens, not tak­ing these steps will result in employ­ee health issues, an unhy­gien­ic ware­house, code vio­la­tions, and more.
Avoid all of these issues when installing and main­tain­ing your con­crete slabs through­out your build­ing with The Budd Group. Con­tact us today at (800) 380‑7765 to learn more about how our team of experts and our state-of-the-art equip­ment will help your busi­ness and build­ing remain sustainable.

How We Work

Make It Right

This simple philosophy is at the heart of our guarantee to every customer we serve. We will meet or exceed your expectations in the delivery of high-quality facility support solutions.

On Time Every Time

We will work closely with you to adhere to your schedule, minimize disruptions, and complete tasks on time.

Always Adapting

We are at the cutting edge of how to manage new and unforeseen issues in your facility, offering customized, comprehensive, and flexible facility management programs.


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With more than 4,000 dedicated employees, The Budd Group is one of the leading facility service companies in the country, delivering high-quality janitorial, maintenance, landscaping and facility support solutions to customers throughout the Southeast.

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