Get the Precise School Custodial Services that You Need

Ben­e­fits of Cus­to­di­al Ser­vices in Schools

Remove the Wor­ry from Hav­ing a Clean, Safe, and Sup­port­ive Environment

We take school and cam­pus jan­i­to­r­i­al ser­vices seri­ous­ly. Clean­li­ness and com­fort are cru­cial fac­tors in achiev­ing stu­dent suc­cess. Our front-line team mem­bers go into every day know­ing that their job is ulti­mate­ly to sup­port the edu­ca­tion of the next gen­er­a­tion. We do this through atten­tion to detail, thor­ough pro­to­cols for care of a vari­ety of spaces, and plan­ning the prop­er selec­tion and use of the right tools and sup­plies for each application.

This lev­el of care is how The Budd Group deliv­ers cus­to­di­al ser­vices that tru­ly enhance the learn­ing envi­ron­ment. Our team is ded­i­cat­ed to cre­at­ing spot­less and hygien­ic spaces con­ducive to edu­ca­tion and research. We rec­og­nize that each insti­tu­tion has its own iden­ti­ty and require­ments, which is why our ser­vices are tai­lored to meet your spe­cif­ic needs, whether it’s for class­rooms, lec­ture halls, lab­o­ra­to­ries, libraries, dor­mi­to­ries, or admin­is­tra­tive buildings.

Our com­mit­ment extends to reduc­ing oper­a­tional costs, improv­ing sus­tain­abil­i­ty, and ensur­ing that every aspect of school life, from dai­ly class­es to spe­cial events, oper­ates seam­less­ly. With The Budd Group, edu­ca­tion­al facil­i­ty man­agers can trust that their cam­pus­es are well-cared for, reflect­ing the excel­lence and integri­ty of their aca­d­e­m­ic programs.

A Bet­ter Ven­dor with Bet­ter Results

Enhance Campus Appeal and Attractiveness

A well-maintained campus is a significant factor in attracting new students and faculty. The Budd Group helps create an inviting atmosphere through meticulous cleaning and maintenance of all campus areas. This attention to detail not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the campus but also demonstrates the institution's commitment to excellence and quality.

Support Student and Faculty Well-Being

The health and well-being of students and faculty are paramount, and a clean, hygienic learning environment is essential to this. The Budd Group’s custodial services go beyond basic cleaning, creating a safe and healthy environment conducive to learning and teaching. Regular cleaning, disinfecting, and maintenance of classrooms, common areas, and residential spaces ensure a high standard of hygiene.

Optimize Operational Efficiency and Sustainability

Efficient and sustainable operations are at the core of The Budd Group’s services. By implementing green cleaning practices and utilizing energy-efficient methods, we help educational institutions reduce their environmental impact while also cutting down on operational costs. Our tailored approach ensures that each campus benefits from solutions that are not only environmentally responsible but also cost-effective.

Facilitate Exceptional Educational Experiences

A school's condition directly impacts the quality of education. The Budd Group ensures that every aspect of campus maintenance, from clean classrooms to well-kept grounds, is managed flawlessly. This meticulous approach to facility upkeep creates an environment where students and faculty can focus on academic excellence.

Strengthen Institutional Reputation

The state of a campus reflects on the institution’s reputation. With The Budd Group’s custodial services, colleges and universities can uphold and enhance their reputations as premier educational establishments. A well-maintained campus not only impresses current and prospective students but also alumni and visitors, reinforcing the institution's status as a place of quality education and research.

Leverage Expertise for Customized Solutions

Partnering with The Budd Group means accessing a wealth of experience and expertise in custodial services. Our team works closely with each institution to develop customized cleaning and maintenance plans that align with specific needs and goals. This collaborative approach ensures that every facility management solution provided is effective, efficient, and tailored to each school.

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School Cus­to­di­al Ser­vices that Improve Outcomes

Day Cleaning/Porter

Keep every room clean, san­i­tized, and order­ly with daily, optimized cleaning services.

Bathroom Restoration

Ensure function, maximize sanitation, and maintain aesthetics in all campus restrooms.

General Maintenance/Repairs

Protect your assets while ensuring proper function and ongoing safety at your school.

Floor Care

Keep school floors safe, clean, and beautiful for all with state-of-the-art technology.


Keep students, faculty, and staff healthy, safe, and comfortable with comprehensive disinfection solutions.

Recycling Programs

Reduce your campus' carbon footprint and give back to your community.

Specialized High Dusting

Breathe easier with regular dust removal from hard-to-reach areas around your school.

Trash Removal

Improve school safety and sanitation with efficient, routine garbage disposal.

Window and Wall Cleaning

Maximize your campus' appearance with regular exterior and interior cleaning of windows and walls.

Pressure Washing

Safely and effectively blast away dirt, debris, pollen, and other residue on school buildings with professional power washing.

Fre­quent­ly Asked Ques­tions About Cus­to­di­al Ser­vices for Schools

How Can I Fill School Custodial Staffing Gaps?

Workforce retention is a common problem for schools everywhere, especially when it comes to cleaning, janitorial, and maintenance jobs. The Budd Group is here to help you overcome staffing shortages by providing well-trained, in-house custodial experts when and where you need them most.

What Measures Are in Place to Ensure the Safety of Students and Staff During Custodial Activities?

We prioritize safety and clear communication during all custodial activities, implementing clear procedures, using safe cleaning products, and ensuring staff is well-trained to minimize any potential risks.

How Are Complaints About School or Campus Cleanliness Addressed?

Our custodial staff is dedicated to ensuring every aspect of a school remains clean and sanitary. If we fall short of this goal, we want to know right away so we can address the problem and make sure it does not happen again. This is part of our "Make It Right" Guarantee.

How We Work

Make It Right

This simple philosophy is at the heart of our guarantee to every customer we serve. We will meet or exceed your expectations in the delivery of high-quality facility support solutions.

On Time Every Time

We will work closely with you to adhere to your schedule, minimize disruptions, and complete tasks on time.

Always Adapting

We are at the cutting edge of how to manage new and unforeseen issues in your facility, offering customized, comprehensive, and flexible facility management programs.



Dane Slaughter, Greenville-Spartanburg Airport District

I have worked with The Budd Group since 2011, and I have been very pleased and impressed with their staff, account managers, and regional support they provide. They have been very prompt to respond if there is an issue with the janitorial services. They provide an exceptional service and understand the importance of greeting our passengers and guests to allow them to have a wonderful experience when traveling. I view their service as a partnership and count on them daily to deliver exceptional quality to our tenants, passengers, staff, and business partners.

Guy Harley, Wake Forest University Health Sciences

The Budd Group provides exceptional custodial services for our campus. We are grateful for their service to our patients, families, visitors, staff and faculty for over 40 years. The Budd Group is very responsive to our requests and needs, and we truly believe in their loyalty and commitment to our success.

Billy D. Smith, Kershaw County School District

I personally have had the best experience and relationship with The Budd Group. From their owner all the way to their day porters, they take great pride in representing the company name, and doing the best job they can. During these unprecedented pandemic times The Budd Group has been flexible and responsive to the changing needs our district has had in every way. With every firm that we have used there have been issues, but no firm has ever been as responsive, and as quick to fix whatever the issue may be as The Budd Group!

Nick Mincey, Orange County Schools

The Budd Group has gone above and beyond in providing custodial services to our district. Following a lengthy RFP process, we as a committee selected them to help our district achieve a new and rejuvenating approach to campus cleaning and facility care. We asked them to take on a difficult task of staffing, and preparing schools for the start of our school year with only 6 weeks of transition time. We all knew it would be difficult at best. However, with the help of their Human Resources department and successful hiring strategies, we were up and running by the time our Staff members began to enter the campuses for the school year.

Blaise Winch, Capsugel

The Budd Group has been providing services to Capsugel for over 6 years. The service provided has been excellent and professional. They perform duties in multiple locations including a manufacturing plant, distribution center, office area, machine shop and fitness center. They clean all of the following types of areas at those various locations: office, bathroom, cafeteria, fitness center, locker room, shipping/receiving and CGMP production areas. As it relates to CGMP experience, they also created a sanitation program for the cGMP areas, maintain and created their own operating instructions, maintain document control and follow all cGMP guidelines for hygiene and documentation.

Susan A. Maddux, Presbyterian College

The Budd Group has become a true partner with Presbyterian College. They have taken the time to fully understand our mission and become a true part of the Blue Hose family. The housekeeping staff often pull off miracles when given very little time to clean a space on campus between events. They work long hours and respond 24/7 to emergencies on campus. The landscaping team has transformed the grounds of the campus such that the college regularly gets positive feedback from those who visit the campus. Before outsourcing to The Budd Group, the college performed these services in house. We have seen significant improvement in both housekeeping and grounds since The Budd Group took over.


Let's discuss how we can support efficiency and success for your Education Facility