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Industrial Cleaning

Indus­tri­al clean­ing is one of the most chal­leng­ing and nec­es­sary tasks of any man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­i­ty. No mat­ter how state-of-the-art a piece of machin­ery might be, it must be reg­u­lar­ly inspect­ed and main­tained to ensure its con­tin­ued func­tion­al­i­ty, effi­cien­cy, and safe­ty. Fac­to­ries often con­tain dozens, if not hun­dreds, of machines that require this lev­el of care. Addi­tion­al­ly, work­ers or con­trac­tors must clean and main­tain every oth­er aspect of the indus­tri­al facil­i­ty, includ­ing floors, ceil­ings, win­dows, offices, break rooms, and more. And all of this must be per­formed on a fre­quent basis, con­sid­er­ing most plants and fac­to­ries oper­ate non-stop, or at least with few breaks in between.

How Indus­tri­al Clean­ing Can Cut Costs

While indus­tri­al clean­ing ser­vices cer­tain­ly car­ry a cost (per­son­nel, labor, equip­ment, chem­i­cals, etc.), they often save a facil­i­ty more mon­ey in the long-run. As men­tioned above, indus­tri­al clean­ing is required to main­tain machin­ery and infra­struc­ture that allow the facil­i­ty to oper­ate. Neglect­ing to clean equip­ment, floors, or oth­er fea­tures can lead to a num­ber of cost­ly issues such as work­er injury, the need to replace equip­ment, or com­plete oper­a­tional fail­ure or facil­i­ty shut-down. In addi­tion to pre­vent­ing these major prob­lems, indus­tri­al clean­ing also main­tains or even improves a facility’s effi­cien­cy. Well-main­tained machin­ery and a safe, healthy work­force work hard­er and pro­duce more. In these ways, indus­tri­al clean­ing ser­vices yield a great return on investment.

Facil­i­ty-Spe­cif­ic Indus­tri­al Clean­ing Services

Each and every indus­tri­al facil­i­ty dif­fers in size, scope, num­ber of work­ers, and machin­ery used. There is no one solu­tion or opti­mal method for indus­tri­al clean­ing. Rather, ser­vice providers must approach each facil­i­ty on an indi­vid­ual basis, and act accord­ing to its needs and challenges. The Budd Group under­stands the unique needs of the man­u­fac­tur­ing envi­ron­ment and is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing pro­fes­sion­al, con­sis­tent, high qual­i­ty jan­i­to­r­i­al ser­vices to all of our cus­tomers. Across the south­east, our cus­tomers rely on us to pro­vide a safe, clean, and pleas­ant envi­ron­ment that extends the life and ser­vice of build­ings and facil­i­ties while reduc­ing over­all costs.

How We Work

Make It Right

This simple philosophy is at the heart of our guarantee to every customer we serve. We will meet or exceed your expectations in the delivery of high-quality facility support solutions.

On Time Every Time

We will work closely with you to adhere to your schedule, minimize disruptions, and complete tasks on time.

Always Adapting

We are at the cutting edge of how to manage new and unforeseen issues in your facility, offering customized, comprehensive, and flexible facility management programs.


Get More Information

With more than 4,000 dedicated employees, The Budd Group is one of the leading facility service companies in the country, delivering high-quality janitorial, maintenance, landscaping and facility support solutions to customers throughout the Southeast.

Sales & Service Requests

Please submit your custom quote request. Call 800.380.7765 or drop us a note here. Please note, we DO NOT handle any residential work.

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