Troubleshoot Special Facility Maintenance Needs Dependably

Ben­e­fits of Spe­cial­ty Ser­vices for Schools

Cul­ti­vate a Wel­com­ing Envi­ron­ment for Your Stu­dents and Staff

Let­ting tol­er­a­ble” needs go unad­dressed is a slip­pery slope that nev­er ends well. That con­crete walk­way that looks like filth? The lock­er room entry car­pet that still has last sea­son on it? Those are not things you have to accept. Excel­lence hap­pens in excel­lent spaces, and main­tain­ing an excel­lent space starts with choos­ing the right facil­i­ty ser­vices partner.

The Budd Group’s facil­i­ty sup­port for schools extends beyond basic cus­to­di­al, main­te­nance, and groundskeep­ing offer­ings. We offer sev­er­al cus­tomiz­able spe­cial­ty ser­vices that go above and beyond a school’s bare-bones needs.

Includ­ed in these ser­vices are our com­pre­hen­sive indoor air qual­i­ty pro­gram (BreatheWell), dis­in­fec­tion, cus­tomized floor and car­pet care, pres­sure wash­ing, con­struc­tion cleanup, sup­port staff hir­ing, recruit­ing, train­ing, and more.

Our col­lec­tive expe­ri­ence and broad net­work of tal­ent allow us to meet any school’s chal­lenges and needs, no mat­ter how unique. Allow our experts to make last­ing improve­ments to your school’s air qual­i­ty, staffing, and pro­to­cols. Stu­dents, staff, and stake­hold­ers will appre­ci­ate these unique, tai­lor-made enhance­ments, pro­vid­ing your school with a stronger rep­u­ta­tion, bot­tom line, and suc­cess rate.

Pro­tect the Health and Safe­ty of Your Stu­dent Body

Keep Students Healthy, Safe, and Successful

The Budd Group's specialty offerings are ultimately designed to improve the educational experience for students, faculty, and staff. Improvements to indoor air quality, flooring, and sanitation benefit the well-being of everyone inside your school. Happier, healthier students and staff result in stronger learning outcomes, which can help secure more funding and resources for public and private schools alike.

Address Specific Concerns

Traditional facility management services are often too narrow to address every school's unique layout, challenges, and needs. With The Budd Group's specialty services, schools receive comprehensive, tailor-made, turn-key solutions to everything from HVAC to disinfection and beyond.

Ensure Compliance

Different states and counties require public and private schools to abide by certiain standards. Failing to meet these standards not only puts students and staff member at risk — it can also spell financial ruin for the institution and create legal headaches. With our custom specialty services, The Budd Group aims to keep every school we service compliant with relevant regulations.

Implement Long-Term Improvements

Establishing higher standards for disinfection, indoor air quality, and floor care results in long-term enhancements for schools that yield compounding positive effects on learning outcomes, energy efficiency, safety, health, and more. The Budd Group's specialty services are designed to make schools function better for decades to come.

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Spe­cial­ty Ser­vices Clear the To Do” List for Schools


Keep students, faculty, and staff healthy, safe, and comfortable with comprehensive disinfection solutions.

Pressure Washing

Safely and effectively blast away dirt, debris, pollen, and other residue on school buildings with professional power washing.

BreatheWell Air Quality Program

Improve indoor air quality (IAQ) in every classroom via cutting-edge monitoring and purification technology.

Floor Care

Keep school floors safe, clean, and beautiful for all with state-of-the-art technology.

How We Work

Make It Right

This simple philosophy is at the heart of our guarantee to every customer we serve. We will meet or exceed your expectations in the delivery of high-quality facility support solutions.

On Time Every Time

We will work closely with you to adhere to your schedule, minimize disruptions, and complete tasks on time.

Always Adapting

We are at the cutting edge of how to manage new and unforeseen issues in your facility, offering customized, comprehensive, and flexible facility management programs.



Dane Slaughter, Greenville-Spartanburg Airport District

I have worked with The Budd Group since 2011, and I have been very pleased and impressed with their staff, account managers, and regional support they provide. They have been very prompt to respond if there is an issue with the janitorial services. They provide an exceptional service and understand the importance of greeting our passengers and guests to allow them to have a wonderful experience when traveling. I view their service as a partnership and count on them daily to deliver exceptional quality to our tenants, passengers, staff, and business partners.

Guy Harley, Wake Forest University Health Sciences

The Budd Group provides exceptional custodial services for our campus. We are grateful for their service to our patients, families, visitors, staff and faculty for over 40 years. The Budd Group is very responsive to our requests and needs, and we truly believe in their loyalty and commitment to our success.

Billy D. Smith, Kershaw County School District

I personally have had the best experience and relationship with The Budd Group. From their owner all the way to their day porters, they take great pride in representing the company name, and doing the best job they can. During these unprecedented pandemic times The Budd Group has been flexible and responsive to the changing needs our district has had in every way. With every firm that we have used there have been issues, but no firm has ever been as responsive, and as quick to fix whatever the issue may be as The Budd Group!

Nick Mincey, Orange County Schools

The Budd Group has gone above and beyond in providing custodial services to our district. Following a lengthy RFP process, we as a committee selected them to help our district achieve a new and rejuvenating approach to campus cleaning and facility care. We asked them to take on a difficult task of staffing, and preparing schools for the start of our school year with only 6 weeks of transition time. We all knew it would be difficult at best. However, with the help of their Human Resources department and successful hiring strategies, we were up and running by the time our Staff members began to enter the campuses for the school year.

Blaise Winch, Capsugel

The Budd Group has been providing services to Capsugel for over 6 years. The service provided has been excellent and professional. They perform duties in multiple locations including a manufacturing plant, distribution center, office area, machine shop and fitness center. They clean all of the following types of areas at those various locations: office, bathroom, cafeteria, fitness center, locker room, shipping/receiving and CGMP production areas. As it relates to CGMP experience, they also created a sanitation program for the cGMP areas, maintain and created their own operating instructions, maintain document control and follow all cGMP guidelines for hygiene and documentation.

Susan A. Maddux, Presbyterian College

The Budd Group has become a true partner with Presbyterian College. They have taken the time to fully understand our mission and become a true part of the Blue Hose family. The housekeeping staff often pull off miracles when given very little time to clean a space on campus between events. They work long hours and respond 24/7 to emergencies on campus. The landscaping team has transformed the grounds of the campus such that the college regularly gets positive feedback from those who visit the campus. Before outsourcing to The Budd Group, the college performed these services in house. We have seen significant improvement in both housekeeping and grounds since The Budd Group took over.


Let's discuss how we can support efficiency and success for your Education Facility