Maintenance & Repair Tailored to Your School's Needs

Ben­e­fits of Main­te­nance Ser­vices in Schools

Ensure a Safe, Func­tion­al Envi­ron­ment at Your Edu­ca­tion­al Institution

Gaps in your main­te­nance plan­ning can cre­ate lost learn­ing time as well as sig­nif­i­cant lia­bil­i­ty. Shut down the threat of over­looked prob­lems or faulty repairs with a trust­wor­thy and thor­ough https://​www​.bud​dgroup​.com/​m​a​i​n​t​e​n​a​n​c​e​-​s​e​r​vices and repair vendor.

The Budd Group knows the cru­cial role that main­te­nance and repair ser­vices play in the smooth oper­a­tion of all schools. Our approach to facil­i­ty main­te­nance is com­pre­hen­sive and detail-ori­ent­ed, ensur­ing that every aspect of your insti­tu­tion’s infra­struc­ture is func­tion­ing opti­mal­ly and efficiently.

Our team of high­ly-trained and depend­able tech­ni­cians is skilled in man­ag­ing all aspects of sys­tems main­te­nance and repairs, with a keen under­stand­ing of the impor­tance of time and qual­i­ty in the edu­ca­tion­al envi­ron­ment. Uti­liz­ing our advanced com­put­er­ized main­te­nance man­age­ment sys­tem (CMMS), we ensure that every task, from rou­tine main­te­nance to com­plex repairs and upgrades, is exe­cut­ed with pre­ci­sion and professionalism.

Trust The Budd Group to main­tain and enhance the func­tion­al­i­ty and safe­ty of your edu­ca­tion­al facil­i­ties, sup­port­ing your insti­tu­tion’s com­mit­ment to excel­lence in education.

Reduce Your Risk from Faulty Repairs or Poor Main­te­nance

Maximize Facility Efficiency and Safety

The Budd Group’s maintenance and repair services ensure optimal functionality of educational facilities, creating safe and efficient learning environments. Regular upkeep and prompt repairs reduce the risk of disruptions, allowing students and faculty to focus on academic excellence.

Preserve and Enhance Campus Appeal

Well-maintained facilities positively impact the institution's image and longevity. Our services help extend the lifespan of campus buildings and systems, maintaining their aesthetic and functional appeal, which is essential for attracting and retaining students and staff.

Cost-Effective Resource Management

Efficient maintenance leads to smarter resource utilization and cost savings. The Budd Group’s strategic approach prevents costly breakdowns and contributes to the institution's sustainability, balancing financial and environmental considerations.

Support Educational Goals

By ensuring that educational facilities are always in top condition, The Budd Group’s services support the broader educational goals of the institution. A well-maintained campus enhances the overall learning experience, contributing to academic success and student satisfaction.

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Trust­wor­thy Main­te­nance and Repair Ser­vices for Schools

General Maintenance

Protect your assets while ensuring proper function and ongoing safety at your school.

CMMS/Work Order Efficiency

Elevate school efficiency with our CMMS, streamlining work orders for optimal facility management.

Central Plant Operations

Enhance the backbone of your school, ensuring functional and efficient heating, cooling, and electricity.


Empower school staff through specialized training for effective facility management.

Preventive Maintenance

Safeguard school facilities for a conducive learning environment with a proactive approach to maintenance.

Doors and Locks/Locksmith

Secure schools, streamline entry & exit, and minimize energy loss.


Optimize indoor climate with HVAC expertise, ensuring comfort and air quality in every room.

Lighting Systems/Bulb and Ballast Changing

Illuminate learning environments with precision, reduce energy costs, and ensure safety.


Power your school where it counts, ensuring a safe, functional, cost-efficient learning environment.

Fire and Safety Systems

Prioritize safety for all students, staff, and faculty with state-of-the-art active and passive solutions.

Painting and Drywall

Revitalize school interiors for a fresh and inviting atmosphere conducive to learning.


Maintain water systems for a safe, healthy, comfortable educational environment.

Energy Conservation

Drive sustainability with energy saving strategies tailored for schools.

Fleet/Vehicle Maintenance

Keep buses, vans, and other campus vehicles running safely and on time.

Facility Condition Assessment (FCA)

Routinely assess your school's overall health with detailed reporting, ensuring long-term viability.

How We Work

Make It Right

This simple philosophy is at the heart of our guarantee to every customer we serve. We will meet or exceed your expectations in the delivery of high-quality facility support solutions.

On Time Every Time

We will work closely with you to adhere to your schedule, minimize disruptions, and complete tasks on time.

Always Adapting

We are at the cutting edge of how to manage new and unforeseen issues in your facility, offering customized, comprehensive, and flexible facility management programs.



Dane Slaughter, Greenville-Spartanburg Airport District

I have worked with The Budd Group since 2011, and I have been very pleased and impressed with their staff, account managers, and regional support they provide. They have been very prompt to respond if there is an issue with the janitorial services. They provide an exceptional service and understand the importance of greeting our passengers and guests to allow them to have a wonderful experience when traveling. I view their service as a partnership and count on them daily to deliver exceptional quality to our tenants, passengers, staff, and business partners.

Guy Harley, Wake Forest University Health Sciences

The Budd Group provides exceptional custodial services for our campus. We are grateful for their service to our patients, families, visitors, staff and faculty for over 40 years. The Budd Group is very responsive to our requests and needs, and we truly believe in their loyalty and commitment to our success.

Billy D. Smith, Kershaw County School District

I personally have had the best experience and relationship with The Budd Group. From their owner all the way to their day porters, they take great pride in representing the company name, and doing the best job they can. During these unprecedented pandemic times The Budd Group has been flexible and responsive to the changing needs our district has had in every way. With every firm that we have used there have been issues, but no firm has ever been as responsive, and as quick to fix whatever the issue may be as The Budd Group!

Nick Mincey, Orange County Schools

The Budd Group has gone above and beyond in providing custodial services to our district. Following a lengthy RFP process, we as a committee selected them to help our district achieve a new and rejuvenating approach to campus cleaning and facility care. We asked them to take on a difficult task of staffing, and preparing schools for the start of our school year with only 6 weeks of transition time. We all knew it would be difficult at best. However, with the help of their Human Resources department and successful hiring strategies, we were up and running by the time our Staff members began to enter the campuses for the school year.

Blaise Winch, Capsugel

The Budd Group has been providing services to Capsugel for over 6 years. The service provided has been excellent and professional. They perform duties in multiple locations including a manufacturing plant, distribution center, office area, machine shop and fitness center. They clean all of the following types of areas at those various locations: office, bathroom, cafeteria, fitness center, locker room, shipping/receiving and CGMP production areas. As it relates to CGMP experience, they also created a sanitation program for the cGMP areas, maintain and created their own operating instructions, maintain document control and follow all cGMP guidelines for hygiene and documentation.

Susan A. Maddux, Presbyterian College

The Budd Group has become a true partner with Presbyterian College. They have taken the time to fully understand our mission and become a true part of the Blue Hose family. The housekeeping staff often pull off miracles when given very little time to clean a space on campus between events. They work long hours and respond 24/7 to emergencies on campus. The landscaping team has transformed the grounds of the campus such that the college regularly gets positive feedback from those who visit the campus. Before outsourcing to The Budd Group, the college performed these services in house. We have seen significant improvement in both housekeeping and grounds since The Budd Group took over.


Let's discuss how we can support efficiency and success for your Education Facility