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Top 8 Tips for Celebrating Global Handwashing Day in Your School

Global Handwashing Day is upon us! Celebrated on October 15, this global advocacy day is dedicated to educating people and...

Oct 20, 2022

Educational Facility Maintenance: Why You Should Start Preparing Your School’s Christmas Break Checklist Now

The school year just started, but those first few months can fly by. It won’t be long until students enjoy...

Oct 15, 2022

5 Steps to Manage Sickness in Your K-12 School System

Schools are significant vectors for disease transmission, which is why so many states and school districts transitioned to remote learning...

Oct 10, 2022

Why Common Periodic Carpet Cleaning Services Are Best for Employee Health

The health and well-being of your employees has a direct effect on your business’ bottom line. When employees fall ill...

Oct 05, 2022

Irrigation Services to Consider for Your Facility's Landscaping This Fall

Fall is rich with gorgeous, colorful landscapes, but this time of year also marks the end of the landscaping season...

Sep 29, 2022

How Warehouse Concrete Joint and Crack Repairs Will Minimize Liability Issues

The concrete floors in and outside your warehouse must be both sturdy and flexible – sturdy enough to withstand all...

Sep 25, 2022

Ensure Optimal Air Quality with Changing Seasons at Your School

Seasonal changes are a part of life. But just because the air outdoors is constantly in flux doesn’t mean the...

Sep 20, 2022

What a CIMS Certification Means for Your Facility Partner

Who can you trust to care for your facility? This is a common concern among business owners and facility managers...

Sep 15, 2022

Areas to Focus on Indoor Air Quality in Your Commercial Building

A commercial building’s indoor air quality (IAQ) has broad implications for the businesses and individuals within it. Poor air quality...

Sep 11, 2022

Top Areas in Your School That May Need Cleaning and Disinfection

Ever since COVID-19 emerged on the scene, public health has been top of mind for so many people. While the...

Sep 04, 2022

Top 5 Reasons to Powerwash Your Commercial Facility at the End of Summer

Summer always seems to go by too fast. The sunny season isn’t over yet, but it’s time to start preparing...

Aug 20, 2022

How the BreatheWell Program Protects Students During Back-to-School Season

Student health and safety should be top priorities for any education facility. In an increasingly turbulent world, a school should...

Aug 16, 2022