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Increase Workplace Safety - High Dusting Safety

You can increase your work­place safe­ty with these high dust­ing safe­ty tips. Ensure that you use PPE includ­ing dust proof safe­ty glass­es and gloves. Use exten­sion dusters to avoid hav­ing to use ladders.
Video Tran­scrip­tion:
Hey Austin, how are you?
I am doing so well. I’m so glad I caught you right in the mid­dle of doing what we want to talk to our bug group team­mates about. Bug group team, we have dropped in on Stephanie here, our sub­ject mat­ter expert to tell you a lit­tle bit about high dust­ing, which is some­thing you guys are doing every sin­gle day. We want to talk with Stephanie about how to make sure we’re doing it safe­ly. Stephanie, before you get set up, and you get going high dust­ing, what are some of the things that you need to make sure you’re wear­ing, the PPE that you need to have on?
I need to make sure I’m wear­ing my gloves and my goggles.
That’s exact­ly right. The gog­gles are extreme­ly impor­tant. We see this a lot at the bug group. Some­times peo­ple for­get to wear their gog­gles and they get to high dust­ing and they knock some­thing off that ends up get­ting in their eyes and that’s not some­thing that we want. Gog­gles are super impor­tant. Glad to see that you have those on.
Thank you.
Also see that you got some fan­cy equip­ment here. This is anoth­er real­ly impor­tant piece for us to have when we’re doing this type of work. We have dif­fer­ent vari­a­tions of this, but basi­cal­ly we want to have some type of duster that we can put on the end of an exten­sion wand. The rea­son is this allows Stephanie to reach up high so that she does­n’t have to climb up on a lad­der, and that is so impor­tant. We don’t want to use a lad­der if we don’t have to. We’ve got our PPE, we’ve got our equip­ment. What are some of the places that we might be going to do this type of dusting?
Some of the places that we need to dust reg­u­lar­ly are, ceil­ing vents, ceil­ing cor­ners, door trim, and mold­ing, the top of bath­room stalls and rails, and any oth­er high places that might col­lect dust.
Well Stephanie, thank you for tak­ing the time to do this. We real­ly appre­ci­ate it, you tak­ing the time to show our folks how to make sure we’re high dust­ing safe­ly, talk­ing about some of the places we should be doing it, and how to do it safe­ly. The last thing we want to make sure we men­tion is, if you need to dust some­where that you can­not reach with an exten­sion pole and need to use a lad­der, please make sure you let your man­ag­er know, and that you have been approved to use that lad­der in that sit­u­a­tion. We don’t want to be using lad­ders if we don’t have to. Thanks for your help and I hope to see you soon.
Thank you.
Speak­er 4:
High dust­ing safe­ty tips. First, make sure you’re wear­ing your appro­pri­ate PPE, gloves and safe­ty gog­gles. When high dust­ing, use an exten­sion pole, this way we can avoid using lad­ders. Remem­ber to clean high places that com­mon­ly col­lect dust like ceil­ing vents, cor­ners, door trims, bath­room stalls, and rail­ings. If you absolute­ly must use a lad­der, talk to your man­ag­er first and get approval.
The Budd Group strives to be a God-hon­or­ing com­pa­ny of excel­lence safe­ly deliv­er­ing ser­vices in jan­i­to­r­i­al, main­te­nance, and land­scap­ing; offer­ing devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for their employ­ees; and con­tribut­ing to their community.
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