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Does Your Office Cleaning Checklist Tick All These Boxes?

Workplaces both big and small are susceptible to disarray in a short amount of time. When it comes to cleaning the office, it can be difficult to know where to start. Every staff member should do their part to keep their individual areas clean, but less utilized spaces might end up neglected, while frequently used spaces can get dirty quickly, and a dirty office is not usually a happy office. If your current office space is not a good fit for your business, it may be time to have a look at some other office space options that could work better for your company. For example, if you are involved in the medical business and require office space, then it may be worth considering office sharing with someone in a similar field to you. This would mean that you could share some facilities in the office, which could save on rent, allowing you more money to grow your business and to spend on office cleaning, especially as it is vital for medical workplaces to be as clean and hygienic as they possibly can be. If you wanted to learn more about sharing your space, then you may be interested in looking at various medical office space to share. Although, one way to ensure the office stays consistently clean is by making an office cleaning checklist. Here are five questions that a cleaning checklist should include.

Five Questions That a Cleaning Checklist Should Include

1. Are Bathrooms Cleaned Daily?

Everyone has to go, which means your office bathroom will get a lot of use every day. While employees are expected to use these facilities respectfully, bathrooms are often the first space to decline in cleanliness. This means that bathrooms should be cleaned at least once a day to provide the whole staff with safe, clean, fragrant restrooms. This might mean designating cleaning tasks for all employees (with proper training) via an office cleaning schedule, or hiring a dedicated cleaning agency to take care of this daily.

2. Is the Break Room/Lunch Room Clear of Crumbs, Waste, and Grime?

Like restrooms, break rooms can get messy in no time at all. Food debris, bags, napkins, and beverages might get strewn about if not properly disposed of and cleaned. And since these spaces are used on a daily basis, they also need to be cleaned at least once a day. Make it clear that employees are responsible for cleaning their own messes. Additionally, dedicate some time to wiping tables and chairs, cleaning microwaves and coffee makers, and sweeping floors before the end of the day.

3. Are Waste Receptacles Clearly Labeled?

With all the papers, snacks, trinkets, and water bottles that fill an average office, it’s crucial to make sure garbage and recycled goods find their proper homes. A good way to keep these items separate is to color code garbage and recycling bins separately (with clear signage), and place them next to each other. This way, if someone aims to recycle their water bottle but walks to the garbage bin by accident, they merely have to toss it into the neighboring recycling bin, not walk elsewhere. These small details encourage proper waste disposal, and will make cleaning the office a lot easier.

4. Are Larger Areas Cleaned Weekly?

Aside from bathrooms and break rooms, not every area of an office needs daily office cleaning. But just because an area looks clean doesn’t mean it is. Dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, dead skin cells, bodily oils, and much more slowly make their way around the office. These often unseen elements can contribute to a less sanitary work environment overall. So even if these larger office areas require less frequent cleaning, it’s good to maintain them on at least a weekly basis. This means vacuuming and/or sweeping floors, wiping desks, keyboards, and windows, etc.

5. Are Less Used Areas Cleaned as Well?

“Out of sight, out mind,” the saying goes. And, indeed, the least used parts of an office often get cleaned the least. While it’s true they might need the least love, dust and dirt always finds a way. If left unchecked for too long, these unused spaces can become worse then just underutilized; they can be avoided altogether. Make sure to keep up with the insides of cupboards, the storage room, and any other areas that don’t get a lot of traffic.

Keep these five things in mind when creating an office cleaning checklist. If you simply can’t dedicate enough hours to cleaning your office, hire an office cleaning agency. The Budd Group specializes in these services and more. Call us today at 800-221-8158, or send us an email at [email protected]!

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