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Together We Accomplish More

Photo courtesy of The Winston-Salem Chronicle Working together toward a common goal is one of the best ways to achieve...

Jun 16, 2020

Proceeding and Keeping up With an Office Reopening Plan

While the COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic continues to spread across the U.S. and the world, many regions in the U.S. have begun...

Jun 15, 2020

A Message From Joe Budd, Chairman of the Board

Recently in America, there have been several tragic examples of racism, police brutality, white supremacy, and injustice that have led...

Jun 12, 2020

Your New Normal: Top 7 Office Reopening Guidelines

All across the United States, local economies are gradually opening back up. This is exciting news for business owners, employees...

Jun 11, 2020

Hurricane Season: How to Protect Your Business from Potential Disaster

The Atlantic hurricane season spans from the beginning of June to the end of November, with August and September featuring...

Jun 10, 2020

Disinfection Services: Verification Methods to Ensure Complete Facility Cleanliness and Safety

The primary challenge facilities face in keeping surfaces clean and properly disinfected is verifying whether or not their efforts have...

Jun 09, 2020

Our Advice for Crafting an Office Reopening Strategy

If your business has recently gotten the go-ahead to open back up after several months of lockdown, you and some...

Jun 08, 2020

Coronavirus Disinfection: Best Practices for Cleaning and Disinfecting School Buses

During normal times, the standard school year would be approaching its end (or already over) for most students in the...

Jun 04, 2020

Coronavirus Disinfection: What is the Deal with Surfaces?

There has been no shortage of conflicting information regarding the COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Some of this is to be expected, though...

Jun 03, 2020

North Greenville University announces reopening plans for fall 2020 semester

North Greenville University announced Thursday it will open its Tigerville and Greer campuses for in-person instruction beginning on Aug. 20...

Jun 02, 2020

Office Reopening Survey: How to Involve Employees in the Conversation

One of the biggest challenges organizations have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic has been maintaining communication and transparency between employees...

Jun 01, 2020

Returning to Work: How to Behave Responsibly During a Novel Pandemic with Conflicting Information

The past few months have been characterized by concern and confusion as the world continues to wrangle with the novel...

May 28, 2020