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Wipe Down: How to Disinfect Your Screens

Brace yourself, because the truth is gross, but here goes: Your electronic devices are a huge magnet for dust...

Aug 25, 2020

Rain Sensors - They're the Law. Do Yours Work?

It’s no secret that water is essential for a healthy and beautiful lawn. Knowing how much water to use depends...

Aug 24, 2020

Losing your sense of smell could be a sign of COVID-19

Anecdotal reports from researchers and doctors around the world noted a strange connection between the sense of smell and...

Aug 20, 2020

Parking Lot Cleaning: How Cleaning Makes Parking Lot Surfaces Last

Parking lots often get ignored in the commercial cleaning equation for any number of reasons. However, the condition of a...

Aug 19, 2020

The Impact of COVID-19 on Fire Safety

The arrival of a novel disease like the one society now faces tends to override most other health and safety...

Aug 18, 2020

Pest Control: 5 Signs Pests are Damaging Your Office Building

Office building maintenance is a multi-faceted effort. Maintenance professionals must take various preventative measures to ensure the building remains safe...

Aug 17, 2020

How to Clean Your Outdoor Religious Statues

Whether you have just purchased a beautiful statue for your garden, have an antique religious statue that’s been passed down...

Aug 12, 2020

[NEWS]: The Budd Group & The Citadel: Campus Disinfection, One Step at a Time

The Budd Group is committed to thorough COVID-19 disinfection for every campus we work with to help administrators, families...

Aug 11, 2020

How long can the coronavirus live on surfaces, can I get COVID-19 twice, and every other question you might have about the pandemic

Since the novel coronavirus began spreading throughout China in January, it has reached 104 additional countries and infected 109,57...

Aug 11, 2020

6 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Janitorial Team for Material Handling

Material handling is a fundamental function for many industries. Without efficient material handling systems and workers, businesses would lack the...

Aug 10, 2020

The CDC says you probably won’t get COVID-19 from deliveries or pets

We’ve made it through what’s probably been one of the strangest Memorial Day weekends of our lives. As we...

Aug 06, 2020

Floor Care: 5 Ways Experienced Janitorial Teams Improve Facility Flooring

Janitorial teams are integral to a facility's overall operations and success. Without a competent, experienced janitorial staff, businesses across industries...

Aug 05, 2020