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Air Filtration and the Delta Variant - How Cleaning the Air in the Room can Help Stop the Spread

Despite the swift rollout of highly effective vaccines against COVID-19, this pandemic is far from over. We now find ourselves...

Aug 13, 2021

When is the Best Time to Apply Commercial Floor Wax to a School's Gymnasium?

Your school’s gymnasium floors must be in proper shape to endure high levels of activity and keep students, staff, and...

Aug 10, 2021

Stay Sanitary and Safe with Commercial Rubber Flooring in Your Industrial Kitchen

Industrial kitchens must prioritize safety and sanitation above all else for the sake of employees, customers, and the business’ reputation...

Aug 08, 2021

Why Some Education Facilities Implement Commercial Rubber Flooring

In a previous blog, we explored the various advantages of vinyl flooring for educational facilities. And while vinyl is certainly...

Aug 06, 2021

PBS’s “Side by Side” with Nido Qubein Premieres Tonight!

“When you take the time to get to know someone, something extraordinary happens.” "You get inspired, you learn something new...

Aug 03, 2021

What Is the Best Commercial Kitchen Flooring for a Busy Restaurant?

Restaurant floors go through a lot, especially during peak hours. The floors in your restaurant’s kitchen are perhaps under the...

Jul 30, 2021

Top Five Flooring Types for Laboratories

Laboratories are used across many industries for different purposes. One thing all labs have in common, however, is that they...

Jul 27, 2021

Can a Commercial Carpet Steamer Clean a Religious Facility in Time for Worship?

Cleanliness is a key feature of most kinds of religious facilities, regardless of faith or denomination. When a place of...

Jul 24, 2021

How to Implement Green Cleaning into Your Restaurant to Keep Food and People Safe

“Going green” is far more than a catchphrase or trend. The benefits of reducing your business’ negative environmental impact go...

Jul 20, 2021

Update Your Gym with Commercial Rubber Flooring

The flooring you select for your athletic facility is foundational for its ongoing success. No amount of high-quality equipment or...

Jul 17, 2021

We Are Proud to Have Sponsored the 38th Annual Winterlark Event and Look Forward to Next Year!

Since our inception in 1963, The Budd Group has always been committed to serving our customers and community to the...

Jul 15, 2021

How to Minimize Downtime While You Clean Commercial Carpet

You might take your facility’s carpets for granted, but they work hard to keep you, your employees, and your customers...

Jul 13, 2021