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HVAC vs Air Purification

Maintaining clean and comfortable indoor air is essential for occupant health, safety, and happiness. These days, indoor air quality (IAQ)...

Oct 17, 2021

What Are the Different Kinds of Air Purification?

Over the past year and a half, we’ve all become more conscious of the air we breathe. Many of us...

Oct 13, 2021

Top 5 Reasons You Should Remove Mold

Homes and commercial properties of all kinds require regular maintenance to maximize occupant health and safety. After all, several environmental...

Oct 08, 2021

Why Maintenance Technician Outsourcing May Be Right for Your Facility

Facilities rely on adept, regular maintenance to remain safe, efficient, and valuable. Every area and component must be accounted for...

Oct 03, 2021

How to Transform Your Outdoor Spaces for Increased Use

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has taught us a lot over this past year-and-a-half. Not only have we learned more about...

Sep 30, 2021

How Polished Concrete Floors Can Benefit Your Facilities

Few features in your facility work harder than your floors. It’s easy to take your floors for granted, but they’re...

Sep 25, 2021

Small Schools Must Prepare to Maintain Facilities as Custodians and Facility Managers Retire

Many roles must be fulfilled within a school to ensure the best safety and learning outcomes for all students. Without...

Sep 22, 2021

Common Misconceptions Surrounding COVID/Getting Rid of It in Facilities

When the COVID-19 pandemic first gained attention in late 2019/early 2020, few of us could have predicted that the world...

Sep 19, 2021

How Does Facility Quality Impact College Student Enrollment and Retention?

Universities aren’t merely domains of higher education -- they’re also businesses. And, as is the case for any other business...

Sep 13, 2021

CDC / ASHRAE Standards Related to Air Filtration

The world has learned many lessons from this ongoing pandemic, and we’re bound to learn many more by the time...

Sep 07, 2021

Indoor Air Quality Monitors: What They Do and What Is Best for Your Building?

Indoor air quality (IAQ) has come into greater focus over the past year and a half due to the ongoing...

Aug 26, 2021

The Best Air Filters/Purification Systems for your Building's Rooms

We might not be able to see the air that surrounds us, but the quality of said air can nevertheless...

Aug 19, 2021